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[#SoulSpring] SPIRITUAL EPIPHYTE ~ David O. Lawal

"Lean not unto thine own understanding." -- Proverbs 3:5, KJV

Admit it or deny it, you are a spiritual epiphyte. An epiphyte is a plant that when detached from the stronger plant that provides it support, dies. And that's you.

No, you are not a plant. You are spirit (and God is the grand Spirit). You are a spiritual epiphyte. Your neighbour is a spiritual epiphyte. Your classmate is a spiritual epiphyte. Your lecturer, or school teacher, is a spiritual epiphyte. Your pastor, too, is. So are your parents. So am I. We all are spiritual epiphytes.

Think for a moment about the people you meet every day. Think particularly about those whose life you do not admire. Ever wondered why their life is as pale as it is? Well, it could be that they've sought to detach themselves from God, to lean on themselves, to lean on their own understanding.

An epiphyte standing in the air, leaning on no support, is symbolic of a Christian who attempts to lean on his own understanding. Ever seen such a self-sustaining epiphyte? It's yet to exist! And even if it ever existed, it must by now be pale, withered, fallen to the ground, decomposed.

Can an epiphyte support itself? No; except it wants to self-destruct. Can you, a young Christian, live to declare the glory of Christ on the land of the living all by yourself? You know the right answer already.

It is because you can't that Scripture counsels with great earnestness: "Lean not unto thine own understanding." Your life may lack freshness, vigor, joy, peace, growth -- a lot of things -- right now. If that's the case, then you are detached from Jesus. But once you throw your life upon Jesus today, He will channel blessings into your life.

Jesus is the mighty life-support for every soul; the giver of life, in fact. Though a mighty oak may dry, turn woody, and die after years of providing support to several epiphytes, our Lord never dies. He is the immortal Spirit. He will sustain you eternally. Lean on Him today. Lean on.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, today I lean on You. Grant me the grace, Lord, to acknowledge always that You are the source from which my soul draws strength. Amen.
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